Monday 6 April 2015

Exposure of Lameta Sequence in Jabalpur

Lameta Group: -
       .    The Lameta group of rocks is fresh water sedimentary rock This group has principally developed in central part of India along the Narmada valley Sediments in Jabalpur area is occur in scattered patches and some time little as 10m. The best exposure can be seen behind the Govt. Model Science College Jabalpur Lameta group separated with Gondwana by unconformity.The Above Photo is from Hanuman Toriya,Jabalpur.

1.1 Green Sand:-

            This formation has been termed as green sand by previous workers. It is soft green colour, course to fine grained formation in which varying thickness from 2 to 10m. This is highly current bedded sand stone which show palaeo-current direction towards S-W. Green sand horizon mark the end of the deposition of clastic sediments. because above this horizon non-clastic calcareous prevail hence, this horizon forms marker horizon Gondwana Lameta sequence of Jabalpur area.

1.2 lower Lime Stone:-

           This is a most important litho unit of Lameta. Formation which start with a sharp erosion to gradational base above the green sand stone at Chhui hill section in general, It is light grey colour containing silky material in upper level it become sand rich and containing pebble of jasper. Veins of Quartz and fragments of quartzite or other metamorphic rocks fragments .The lower lime stone has yielded dinosaurs eggs in the Lameta ghat section in the Patbaba area.

Location Of the Above Area (1.1/1.2/1.3)

{Latitude 23°10'41.1"N   

Longitude 79°57'52.5"E }

1.3 MNB {Mottled Nodular Beds}:-

          The MNB is third major unit of the Lameta formation. It overlies the lower lime stone. it is made up of multi-coloured (purple. green. brownish red' and mottled sandy silty, clayey marl. This unit range in thickness from 30 to 32m. in Chhui hill and 12 to 15m in Lameta ghat section. Physical structure is fine laminated and small scale horizon bedding.The below Photo is from The Patbaba Area,Jabalpur.

1.4 Upper Lime Stone:-
The upper lime stone is rest upon ,MNB according to the Matly (1921). It's a local zone. its comprising sand and calcareous in nature. Some pebble size material and low angle cross beds are present in lower contact of the beds.

1.5 Upper Sandy Zone:-

            This unit is net well develop in area because it  covered by Deccan Trap. But it could be seen on the top of Bara Simla hill Upper sandy zone is covered by Deccan lower flow.

1.6 Deccan Trap:-

            The Lameta group of rocks covered by extensive flow Which called Deccan Trap. Deccan Trap extensive feature in the southern part of district and it consist of 14 to 22 flows included under the four units.The following four units are called Amarkantak group. 

Location Of the Above Area(1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6)

Latitude 23°10'17.1N
Longitude 79°58'40.0E

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