Thursday 16 April 2015

Intruded Granite Exposures

                                                       Madan Mahal Granite

Madan Mahal Granite: -

           The-Madan Mahal granites intrusive in Mahakoshal group which occur in  batholiths and conical hill around Jabalpur. Most accessory minerals are microcline, quartz or plagioclase , biotite & othere necessary mineral are hornblende, tourmaline. Apatite, zircon, illuminate etc. Granite of Jahalpur is in Si, Na, Ir content but poor in Al, Mg, Ti or Ca content.

                                                         Jointed Granite

                                                  Xenolith In Granite


                                      Xenolith In Granite {Mica-Schist?}

                                            Location Of The Above Area
                                  {Latitude 23°09'01.8"N 
                                  Longitude 79°54'47.4"E}

                                       GCF Granite Exposure

Xenolith In Granite

                                   Elongated Tourmaline Bearing Granite

                               Location Of The Above Area
                                   {Latitude 23°11'54.6"N  
                                  Longitude 79°58'39.8"E}

                                         Khandari Nala Granite Exposure

.   Beside the GyanGanga College and near the khandari nala light pink grain granite are exposed mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, and biotite in this area granite are non porphyritic in nature. In this area due to shearing some Mylonite are formed and mainly sinistral shearing scenes are developed.

 .   Further the khandari nala grey colour course grain. porphyritic granite are exposed mainly consist phenocryst of quratz, feldspar and biotite. This granite is the part of Madanmahal granite which is intrusive in Mahakoshal dolomite, And this intrusive relationship is as certained bv the SKARN development in between the contact of Granite and dolomite. The granite of it as area consist tectonic joints and shows close spaced NS fractures. Contact zone of granite or dolomite skarn are developed. Which mainly consist Ca-Mg-fe silicates.

                                                     Mural Joints In Granite

Highly Murally Jointed Granite


Contact Zone Between Granite & Marble

 .    Just opposite direction Of the granite creams colour, fine grain Dolomitic marble is exposed. On the surface of marble randomly Tremolite are developed. The Dolomitic marble shows sechroidal texture. Tremolite Crystal is developed along the S l plane and shows reddening due to backing effect.

Skarn From above Contact Zone

Location Of The Above Area
{Latitude 23°07'40.0"N
Longitude 79°52'21.3"E}


  1. Great work! Is there any way to contact you? I am not a student of geology but i made some observations on the map of Jabalpur. Wanted to consult you regarding it!

  2. Very informative.Great job.Thanks.
